COMSTECH – Al-Shifa Trust (Capacity Building and Research Collaboration in Ophthalmology)
Technicians Training Programme
(Short term trainings of already employed technicians of scientific laboratories in leading centers of excellence in OIC member states) COMSTECH…
Thematic Workshops
The Coordinator General of COMSTECH in 2006 conceived the idea to offer thematic symposia, training courses and training courses in…
COMSTECH-IFS Research Grants Program
Allocation of Resources US$200,000/yearCOMSTECH Share US$100,000/yearTotal Number of Grantees 341 (up to 2019) COMSTECH signed a MoU with International Foundation…
COMSTECH-TWAS Joint Research Grants
Minutes of the COMSTECH-TWAS Committee’s Meeting held on September 26, 2017. Introduction To facilitate young scientists who are involved in…