COMSTECH Technicians Training Programme

(Short term trainings of already employed technicians of scientific laboratories in leading centers of excellence in OIC member states)

COMSTECH offers trainings to technicians in developing OIC countries to enable them to spend 4-6 weeks at a center of excellence/ university in OIC member states, and learn the operations, trouble shooting and related details of state-of-the-art instrumentations. The purpose of this training is to strengthen the capacity of technical manpower in the effective and optimal use of expensive and sophisticated research equipments. Their short term visit is expected to foster links for further collaboration.

List of previously awarded Fellows under CCoE Technician Training Program 2021-2022 Click Here

Details of the call:

Call StatusThe call is currently open  
Hosting Country  Various Higher Education Institutions in OIC
Eligible nationality  Developing Countries in OIC region  
Minimum degree heldB.S./ B. E. or equivalent  
DurationMax. 4 weeks
Field  Advanced Fields of Science and Technology
Age limit  None

Host institutions: List of CCoE Members

Application submission mode: Applications can only be submitted to COMSTECH Headquarters, Islamabad, Pakistan, and would be jointly reviewed by an expert committee of the COMSTECH, and Host institutions.


  • This training is for technicians working in instrumentation sections/ facilities of teaching institutions, and are in need of research training on various sophisticated instruments being used in their relevant fields. The candidate should hold at least B.S. /B. E. or equivalent in science or engineering field. The candidate must be a regular employ of parent university or research institution.
  • There is no age limit for these fellowships. However, preference is given to young technicians and those working in Least Developed OIC Countries (LDC), or are from Muslim  minorities in Non- OIC states.

Trainings are offered jointly  by the COMSTECH, along with Host Institutions, based on merit and need assessment.


Applications/nominations are open all around the year.

Terms of the Training Fellowships

  • The training is for a maximum of 6 weeks
  • COMSTECH will provide international low-cost airfare.
  • The host institutions will provide accommodation and mentoring to the trainee.

Application Submission

Download application form from here. Applicants are required to  attach following documents with their application form.

  • Scanned copy of your valid passport (page with your name and surname).
  • CV, maximum five pages.
  • Supporting Statement from the Head of Home Institution.
  • Two reference letters of senior scientists/ supervisors familiar with your work. Please note that the Head of your Home Institution cannot be one of your referees.
  • B.S. or equivalent degrees and relevant university transcripts.

Contact Information: 

Address: COMSTECH Secretariat, 33-Constitution Avenue, G-5/2, Islamabad 
Phone No. : 92 51 9220681-3
Fax : 92 51 9211115, 9220265, 9205264
Email: ; ;

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