International Virtual Seminar on “Solutions to Combat Food Insecurity and Malnutrition in the Sahel”
Organized by COMSTECH Forum on Environment and Ecosystem Restoration (CFEER) to be held at the Science Summit during the 77th Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA)
Date: September 26, 2022.
Time: 8:00am – 11:00am EDT (Eastern Daylight Time)
(05:00pm-8:00pm Pakistan Standard Time)
Instructions to Register for the Seminar:
You can register yourself at the “Science Summit at UNGA77” using below mentioned link:
The link will take you to the Science Summit at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA77) website where you can register following below-mentioned guidelines:
- Please REGISTER here by scrolling down and clicking on the Register button followed by filling in your information in the required sections.
- Note: Registration is free of charge. You can register yourself and also other colleagues (up to 10 people).
- After you have registered, you will receive two emails: one from Eventbrite with your ticket, and 15 min later, one from SCHED inviting you to create your username and password (these will be your SCHED login details to access the conference each time).
- Once your registration is completed and you have logged in, you can click Schedule on UNGA website. Scroll down to our program on September 26, 2022 and click there again. Then click “Attendees” and upload your information. Once you have selected the session(s) you would like to attend, you will be able to see the ZOOM link to join your selected sessions.
- Further information regarding the Science Summit:
Seminar Coordinators
Muhammad Haris Akram
Programe Manager, COMSTECH
Tel: +92-51-9220681-3
Muhammad Haseeb Ahmad
Programe Officer, COMSTECH
Tel: +92-51-9220681-3