Workshop on Environment Modeling based Requirements Engineering

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Workshop Brief

Cyber world and physical world are being connected closer through a network of interrelated elements, such as sensors and actuators, robots, and other computing devices. They are inspiring increasing number of beneficial applications in dependable sectors such as aviation, transportation, aerospace, healthcare. In requirements engineer’s viewpoint, the environment, the specification and the requirements are no longer independent, they become three integral concerns of a system. Such systems face an open and continuously changing environment which poses challenges for requirement engineering. One of the challenges is that the trust assumptions about the environment are no longer fixed after deriving the specification and deployment. Environment must be treated as the first-class runtime concern.

To deal with this concern, the abstraction of the environment should model the dynamic interactions. Furthermore, the interactive elements in the environment of the systems are interrelated and these relationships cannot be neglected when deriving the specification of the dynamics especially to satisfy non-functional requirements such as timing, safety, security and privacy, etc.

This tutorial will consist of four parts: (1) the requirements engineering, the principles and the representative approaches; (2) the problem frames approach; (3) the environment modelling based approach; and (4) the environment related non-functionalities. I will deliver this tutorial with a few supporting tools that assist the modelling and verification of the system specification, demonstrated with working examples in sufficient details.

After the tutorial, participants will be able to know the basic principles of requirements engineering as well as the essence of environment modeling. Participants will also be able to work on the environment modelling requirements engineering for their own projects, with some hands-on experience and a good knowledge of some tool support.

Resource Person

Presenter: Zhi Jin, Peking University, China

Prof. Zhi Jin is Professor in Software Engineering at Peking University, China. Her work is concerned with requirements engineering and knowledge-based software engineering. She is co-author of four books and author/co-author over 150 journal/conference publications. She serves for IEEE RE 2016 as General Chair, IEEE Congress of Services as PC co-Chair in Chief, and is frequently serve for ICSE, FSE, etc as for Program Committee Member. She is executive editor-in-chief of Chinese Journal of Software (2013-), Associate Editor of IEEE TSE (2018- ), Associate Editor of IEEE TR (2019- ), and serves in the Editorial Board of JCST (2010- ), REJ (2014- ), and ESEM (2020- ).

For Registration Click here
For Flyer click here

Course Material

Book: Zhi Jin. Environment Modeling-Based Requirements Engineering for Software Intensive Systems ,1st Edition, Morgan Kaufmann, 2018.

Web site for the tools:

Coordinated By

Prof Dr M Sadiq Ali Khan , Chair IEEE Educational Activities Karachi Section

Ms Khazima Muazim
Program Manager

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