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COMSTECH shares a long-standing brotherly relationship with Kyrgyzstan. To further strengthen the ties, and to build scientific capacity in Kyrgyzstan, COMSTECH and Kyrgyzstan have joined hands to collaborate on the COMSTECH-Kyrgyzstan Program. The Ambassador of Kyrgyzstan, H.E. Mr. Ulanbek Totuiaev, had series of meetings with Coordinator General COMSTECH to start this program. Under this program, COMSTECH initially announces the following initiatives;

This project will include the following key activities;

1) Research Fellowships:

Under the COMSTECH-Kyrgyzstan Program, Research Fellowships will be offered to young researchers and early stage scientists/engineers in Kyrgyzstan to enable them to spend 6-12 months at a relevant center of excellence in many listed institutions of OIC member states, especially Pakistan. The purpose of these fellowships is to enhance the research and development capacity of promising researchers and engineers from Kyrgyzstan at the beginning of their research career, helping them to foster linkages for further collaboration in their fields.

2) International Workshops:

International Workshops/Training will be organized in the University based Science programs in Pakistan, especially in the areas of Climate Change, Healthcare, Biotechnology, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep learning. These Trainings/Workshops will be advertised on equal footings by COMSTECH and Kyrgyzstan through flyers, announcements and social media channels.

3) Exhibitions of products developed in Universities:

Exhibitions of products developed in Universities will be organized to showcase projects/prototypes developed by students or young researchers in the Universities of Kyrgyzstan and Pakistan. These exhibitions will provide a platform to the early stage researchers to promote their product or service to a group that may have little or no knowledge of their services. This can also offer an opportunity to the young researchers to meet existing and potential customers.

4) Technicians Training Program:

Under these training program, researchers from Kyrgyzstan will be able to spend 4-6 weeks at a center of excellence/ university in OIC member states, and learn the operations, trouble shooting and related details of state-of-the-art instrumentations. The purpose of this training is to strengthen the capacity of technical manpower in the effective and optimal use of expensive and sophisticated research equipment. Their short term visit is expected to foster links for further collaboration.

Expected outcomes:

  • Young scientists will be trained on recently developed techniques and state of the art skills in Advanced sciences.
  • Researchers from Pakistan and Kyrgyzstan will interact with each other through this collaboration.
  • Multination interactions will lead to the development of international collaborations, research possibilities and publications.

Eligibility Criteria:
This program is for Kyrgyz nationals only.

Financial Contribution:
Airfare and transportation cost:
COMSTECH will cover the airfare.
The Host Institutions will be requested to provide accommodation to the fellows.
For more information, please contact

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