COMSTECH Webinar on Innovation Policy for OIC states

Dr. Syeda Tanveer Kausar Naim
Former Chairperson, Pakistan Council for Science and Technology
UNESCO International Advisory Board (IAB)

Date and Time: 15th January 2021; 03:00 pm Pakistan Standard Time;
02:00 pm Gulf Standard Time
10:00 am Greenwich Mean Time

Abstract of Talk: After a short introduction about the relationship between Science, Technology and Innovation, the National Innovation Systems and role of STI Policies will be discussed.  Since the innovation systems of countries comprise several individual systems centered on specific technologies, the relevance of STI capabilities and importance of public policy instruments required towards creating a friendly business climate will be discussed. The last few slides will describe the essential institutional architecture required for promotion of innovation in the member states of Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). 

Target Audience: This webinar is open to academicians, scientists, and general public from all the member OIC states and beyond.

Profile of Speaker: Dr. Tanveer Kausar Naim obtained D.Phil from Sussex University, UK. She Served as Chairperson, Pakistan Council for Science and Technology and head STI Policy Research and Training Centre of the Secretariat of OIC Organization of Scientific and Technological Cooperation (COMSTECH) in Islamabad. Her major responsibilities included STI Policy advice, training and promotion of higher education and research. She was actively involved in facilitating research collaboration between Pakistani scientists with their colleagues in USA, UK, South Korea and China and was instrumental in connecting Pakistani scientists with their USA counterparts through GlORID network. She served as member of UNESCO International Advisory Board (IAB) on reform of the Science, Technology and Innovation System In Nigeria, conducted Technology Audit for Turkey under EU 7th Framework Program.  She also provided STI review and advisory services to Maldives, Gambia, and Pakistan. She has served as member of Board of Trustees of International Network for Promotion of Scientific Publications (INASP) at Oxford and as member of the quality control board of MERID project which helped create awareness in the Middle East scientific community about Horizon 2020 and other programmes of EU.  During 2018 she served as senior consultant to UNESCO for preparation of STI profiles of 56 members state of Islamic Development Bank and to propose policy instruments for the Bank towards helping member states build their STI capacity.

Poster of webinar:  Attached

Link for registration and E- certificate:

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Meeting ID: 811 1692 5163
Passcode: 547866

Address: COMSTECH Secretariat, 33-Constitution Avenue, G-5/2, Islamabad 
Phone No. : 92 51 9220681-3
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