Training Workshop “Acquisition, Conservation, Exchange and Safety Duplication of Plant Genetic Resources in OIC Member Countries” – MENA Chapter

Date: 21-22 September 2021
Time: 15.00 hrs (by Pakistan time), 16.00 hrs (by Kazakhstan time)

Considering the importance of biodiversity of genetic resources and the possible loss of genetic materials from gene banks due to environmental changes or political conflicts, it is crucial to building the capacity of OIC Member countries in conserving and sustainable use of genetic resources in their respective countries.

It is worth mentioning that developing strong human resources in this field in OIC Member Countries has become an urgent demand. While a few of our Member States do possess advanced know-how and well developed Genebank facilities many of our Member States do not possess sufficient human and technical resources in this vital domain. To address this issue, IOFS and COMSTECH have agreed to conduct a series of related training for OIC Member countries. These training sessions may be considered as a follow up to the online Workshop on National Gene banks organized by IOFS and COMSTECH, July 5-6, 2020.


• To raise awareness of OIC Member countries in establishing gene bank requirements;
• To build the capacity of OIC Member countries in maintenance and operations of gene banks (collection of genetic materials, conservation, germplasm exchange policies);
• To familiarize with international and national laws and policies;
• To discuss and exchange the international practices in the conservation of genetic resources and effective collaboration in this field of various stakeholders on the national and international level.


In order to achieve the above-mentioned objectives, the organizing parties aim to implement activities during the period of June-November 2021 in the areas of common interests that would include:
1. Online training on PGR (Region-I) Asia, 13-14 July 2021
2. Online training on PGR (Region-II) Africa, 10-11 August 2021
3. Online training on PGR (Region-III) MENA, 21-22 September 2021

Due to the constraints on travel and gatherings imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic the workshop will be held online (Zoom platform). The working language of the event is English (interpretation into the Arabic language).


The workshop participants will include representatives of gene banks; research and science organizations specialized in the management of animal genetic resources; government agencies, responsible for the improvement of biological diversity; and other stakeholders interested in the workshop theme from all OIC member countries.


To attend the Workshop and receive informational materials regarding the event please register:


To join the Workshop, please follow the link:

Other organizational matters can be clarified by the IOFS focal point: Makpal Bulatova, Program Manager, IOFS Secretariat, +77017773649,

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