COMSTECH Inter Library Resource Network Service

A major challenge for scientists, engineers and other researchers in OIC member countries is the non-availability of scientific literature. Science journals are generally very expensive and only a few libraries can afford to subscribe them. It is, therefore, important for us to pool our resources through networking so that scientists/engineers/researchers in member countries can benefit from the leading libraries in OIC member countries.

COMSTECH had therefore initiated a major programme involving the establishment of a Network of Libraries in OIC Member Countries in early 2000. COMSTECH has already published four comprehensive volumes of holdings of forty-seven libraries from thirteen member states including People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Republic of Indonesia, Islamic Republic of Iran, Hashemite Kingdom of JordanMalaysia, Kingdom of Morocco, Federal Republic of Nigeria, Islamic Republic of Pakistan, State of Qatar, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Republic of SenegalSyrian Arab Republic, and Republic of Turkey. These volumes were provided free of charge to the entire partner Libraries.

Now, COMSTECH is delighted to announce the relaunch of the COMSTECH Inter Library Network Services, a dynamic initiative to enhance resource sharing of scientific materials for the collective benefit of scientists, researchers, and students across the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) member states for academics and non-commercial purposes. With a renewed commitment to fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange, COMSTECH invites libraries in OIC member states to become members of this esteemed prestigious network.

To enter the Library Network database, kindly click on the provided web-link below.

Kindly complete the form and submit the duly endorsed document to the following email address:

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