COMSTECH Consortium of Excellence (CCoE)

The Committee on Scientific and Technological Cooperation (COMSTECH) of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has launched COMSTECH Consortium of Excellence (CCoE) comprising of key academic and Science, Technology and Engineering research institutions of OIC Member Countries.
The strategic intent of the CCoE is to:
- Create S&T interdependence among OIC Member Countries.
- Build capacity in key areas of S&T through exchange programs and Institutional linkages.
- Provide enabling environment to increase investment, and trade through technology-based projects within OIC Member Countries.
- Build an ecosystem of collaboration and enable knowledge-based economic growth in the OIC Region.
List of CCoE Members click here
A brief description of the conceived activities under the CCoE initiative is as follows:
1- COMSTECH Research Fellowship Programme
List of Previously Awarded COMSTECH Research Fellowships & Technicians Training
The aim of the program is to offer research fellowships to develop research capacity in the OIC Member States in collaboration with prominent research institutions of the OIC member states. The program entails research training of 100 young scientists/engineers (enrolled in PhD, Masters programs or involved in active research) every year from OIC member states and Muslim Minorities in Non- OIC states, preference will be given to applicants from LDCs.
The training shall be conducted for 6-12 months in various fields including but not limited to biotechnology, molecular medicine, genomics, nanotechnology, energy engineering, agricultural technologies, artificial intelligence, physics, etc. In concomitants with capacitating members of our brotherly Muslim member countries, the initiative shall be instrumental in projecting excellence of the host institution.
2-COMSTECH Distinguished Scholars Programme
The aim is to build the scientific capacity of OIC Member Countries in various scientific fields of science, technology, & innovation (STI) through benefitting from the best of talent globally. To project soft image of Muslim world against islamophobia and show case best talent to create a positive global impact of OIC Member States.
Top distinguished scientists/ engineers are engaged to serve as experts/resource persons for inter-Islamic activities. The nominated eminent scholars shall be requested by COMSTECH to visit institutions in the OIC region to review their academic structure and suggest reforms, as well as conduct capacity building workshops, and training courses. The nominated scholar(s) shall be expected to make weeklong visits (biannually) to selected institutions in the OIC region. This initiative will allow scholars to showcase their prowess in the field internationally, and would allow other countries to learn from consummate trained Muslim scientists and engineers.
List of Distinguished Scholars Click here
3-Technicians Training Programme
The purpose of this training program is to strengthen the capacity of technical manpower in the effective and optimal use of expensive and sophisticated research equipment’s. COMSTECH offers trainings to technical personnel’s of OIC member statesto enable them to spend 4-6 weeks at a centers of excellence/ universities in OIC Member State, and learn the operations, trouble shooting and related details of state-of-the-art instrumentations. Their short-term visit is expected to foster links for further collaboration.
Click for More Details
4-Technology Commercialization Programme
The aim is to initiate projects with the help of CCoE Member Universities/Institutes and R&D organizations. This programme will help in matchmaking between R&D institutions/organization, technology startups with funding agencies and development banks etc. This will create an ecosystem of knowledge sharing and help in attracting investments through technology trade via technology startups. This will also help in fostering the culture of technology startups across the OIC Region. Under the programme, showcasing/exhibitions, shall also be arranged across the OIC region for the promotion of Academia – Industry linkage.
5–Institutional Linkages and Regional Networks
Memberships are extended to all top notch Universities/Institutes and R&D organizations across the OIC region. This will help in bilateral and multilateral collaborations, faculty and student exchange programmes, technology transfer, and commercialization etc. through this platform.
6- Strengthening Cooperation between University-based Technology Parks
Science and Technology Parks (STPs) are one of the most important innovation policy initiatives. The objective is to exchange ideas and support enterprises in OIC Countries for the development and exchange of technologies and innovations
Contact Information:
Address: COMSTECH Secretariat, 33-Constitution Avenue, G-5/2, Islamabad
Phone No. : 92 51 9220681-3
Fax : 92 51 9211115, 9220265, 9205264