COMSTECH Secretariat invites sealed bids for auction of:
- Hino Bus, Air-Conditioned, 33-Seater, Model 2014, Reg. No. ICT-GZ-244 (in excellent running condition)
- The above vehicle can be inspected from Monday to Thursday (09:30 A.M. to 02:30 P.M.) at COMSTECH Building, 33-Constitution Avenue, G-5/2, Islamabad
- The last date for submission of sealed bids is 26th April, 2022 before 11:00 A.M.: the bids will be opened on the same day at 11:30 A.M. at COMSTECH Secretariat, in presence of bidders or their authorized representatives.
- The asset shall be sold to the highest bidder.
- The bid price shall be inclusive of all applicable Government taxes.
- All bids must be accompanied by Earnest Money @ 10% of the quoted price in the form of pay order / demand draft in favour of COMSTECH. In case of unsuccessful bidders, the earnest money will be returned after two working days.
- The successful bidder shall also be responsible for payment of applicable Government taxes.
- The successful bidder shall be required to deposit the balance amount and all applicable Govt. taxes within three working days and have the ownership transferred in his/ her name before handing over of vehicle.
- All bidders must provide their complete address, land line and mobile numbers and also attach copies of valid CNIC and NTN with the offer.
- COMSTECH reserves the right to reject any/ all bids without assigning any reason.
- For inspection/ further information, please contact 051-9220681-83 (Ext. 424).
Auction Committee
COMSTECH Secretariat
33-Constitution Avenue
G-5/2, Islamabad