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    OIC & COVID-19

    COVID-19 News

    Disclaimer of Liability: The information provided on this website is for general information purpose only. These are the news of developments in the OIC region on COVID-19 pandemic. Merits and demerits has to be judged by the readers. This is by no means endorsement of the COMSTECH for any news or product.

    Recent developments in COVID-19 related technologies

    OIC Member States are developing their indigenous responses in medical technology to combat the pandemic. This section highlights some of the main efforts of our Member States.

    To view the recent developments click on the following desired country name:

    COMSTECH will continue to add the innovations in Covid-19 related technologies in other Member States as it receives updates.

    Disclaimer: The information has been gathered from respective official and private sources of Member States. COMSTECH cannot vouch for their accuracy in all aspects.

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