Workshop on Development of National Gene Banks in OIC Member States, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 5-6 July 2020

A Virtual Workshop on Development of National Gene Banks in OIC Member States was conducted from Dubai, United Arab Emirates on 5-6 July 2020. The Workshop was organized by Islamic Organisation for Food Security (IOFS), Nur Sultan, Republic of Kazakhstan, in collaboration with the Government of United Arab Emirates, the General Secretariat of Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO), OIC Standing Committee on Scientific and Technological Cooperation (COMSTECH), the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB), and the International Center for Biosaline Agriculture (ICBA).
The key objective of the workshop was exploring the possibility of elaborating a regional mechanism for protection, conservation, exchange of views, human and institutional capacity development concerning plant and animal genetic resources for food and agriculture in OIC member states. The Workshop was attended by 162 participants representing experts/delegates from 30 OIC/IOFS member states and representatives of 11 OIC institutions and international organisations. The theme of the Workshop was: “Enhancing Food Security in OIC Member States through Agricultural Biodiversity”
If you would need other information feel free to contact me.
Panel presentations and discussions were held on the following themes;
Panel I: Role and Importance of Gene Banks for Conserving Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture.
Panel II: Country Experiences on Gene Bank Development and International Collaboration.
Panel III: Overview of Global and Regional Agreements on PGRFA, including forests and animal genetic resources for food and agriculture.
Panel IV: Agricultural Bio-diversity and Resilient Food Systems
Panel V: The Challenges of Conserving and Sharing Genetic Resources
Detailed agenda of the workshop is available here