Summer School on Managing Shared River Basins: Connecting Science & Policy for Integrated Water Resources Management

(Co-Organized by COMSTECH)

Advanced Biological Risk Mitigation Skill-Based Training (Wet Workshop)

July 1-5, 2018 Venue: COMSTECH Secretariat, Islamabad

Pakistan Biological Safety Association (PBSA) in collaboration with Fogarty International Center (FIC) hosted a five day Wet Workshop in COMSTECH Islamabad from July 1 to July 5. Participants were trained in biorisk management by Sean Kaufman, founder of Safer Behaviors. The participants were exposed to different scenarios in the lab such as evacuation, needle stick injuries, and dealing with an unconscious individual. The participants were also told to present on different topics on the last day, which also enhanced their communication skills while dealing with mental noise, disturbances caused by participants, and workshop scenarios. The number of participants was 30 and there was representation from all the provinces of Pakistan. It was concluded successfully, and eligible participants of this wet workshop will become trainers in their institutions and future PBSA workshops.

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