
The OIC member states are acutely aware that science and technology will continue to play a critical role in addressing contemporary challenges of development across multiple dimensions including poverty alleviation, health, environmental preservation, and ensuring security of food, water, and energy – today and in the years to come.
Despite encouraging advances registered in Member States in the areas of higher education, science, and technology, the OIC countries generally lag behind other fast developing nations.
With the above perspective COMSTECH was entrusted with preparation of a Ten Year Plan of Science, Technology and Innovation to define priority areas, targets, and programs to be achieved through mutual cooperation between member states.
This Plan was prepared by COMSTECH after extensive consultations with experts drawn from 20 countries and various OIC organizations. This was finally approved as the STI Agenda 2026 at the 1st OIC Summit on Science and Technology, held in Astana, Kazakhstan, 10th-11th September 2017. The consensus of the member states was reflected in the Summit Resolution known as the Astana Declaration.
The Astana Declaration while approving the STI Agenda 2026 also instructed COMSTECH to put in place institutional mechanisms for effective implementation of the Agenda. The follow-up activities of COMSTECH and other OIC organizations in achieving the goals of the Agenda are described in the Implementation section.