International Workshop on“Defining Research and Innovation Strategy for Excellence”

Jointly Organized by COMSTECH and National University of Science and Technology (NUST), in collaboration with Islamic University in Uganda (IUIU)

27 February – 03 March, 2023
Venue: Islamic University in Uganda, Kampala


The new paradigm of higher education places universities in the pivotal role within a knowledge-based economy, connecting all aspects of the society. Sustaining leadership for the next decades and beyond requires futuristic thinking, adequate planning, and staying relevant in a fast-changing world.

Research excellence often requires collaborative, interdisciplinary working across the University, within the region and beyond; extending to other HE institutions and businesses, nationally and internationally. To attain excellence in research and innovation, new knowledge and indigenous solutions could be developed to address the great global challenges.

Universities are an ideal conduit for innovation, taking research towards commercialization and impacting the communities. Studies show, the top academic institutes have closely worked with industry, public organizations extensively to increase their research productivity.

Workshop Objectives

Given the above perspective, workshop is aimed to identify the following key priorities that universities should consider while defining its Research and Innovation strategy, which could be the roadmap for the following years:

  1. Identifying core competencies and focus areas within Research and Innovation framework, that aligns university research and innovation portfolio with national needs and global challenges;
  2. Promoting entrepreneurial activities by leveraging upon the university research base, to find innovative, low-cost, indigenous solutions to diverse societal challenges;
  3. Transfer of technologies and innovations through prolific collaborations with public and private enterprises – technology diffusion;

Resource Persons

Resource persons from National University of Science and Technology, (NUST) will deliver lectures and share experience on how to improve the quality of research by investing in its human resources, creating an environment conducive to research, and fostering applied research and innovation in academic institutes. NUST has become an example to follow for evolving its education, research, and innovation ecosystem.

NUST worked diligently in developing contemporary facilities, academic curricula, international linkages, competent faculty, and nurturing talents for the nation. NUST has formulated its Research and Innovation Excellence Strategy (RISE) 2025 as its five-year strategic initiative that will build upon the momentum gained during the last three decades and is chalked out by horizontal-vertical partitioning of different components of the ecosystem – education, research, and innovation. NUST Research & Innovation Strategies for Excellence – NUST RISE 2025, will help in building its achievements and propel NUST to reach new heights in service to the nation, global community, and meeting diverse challenges for humanity.

Who Should Attend?

The workshop will be designed to address the interest of university management, research scholars, officials & policymakers, enforcement officers, in universities of Least Developed Countries of the OIC.

For Registration:

  1. Physical Participation (Limited only to Africa):
  2. Virtual Participation:

Note: There is no registration fee for this training. Furthermore, all Physical Participants are expected to fund their own travel and local hospitality.

Workshop Coordinator:
Muhammad Haris Akram
Program Manager, COMSTECH
Tel: +92-51-9220681-3

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