COMSTECH Webinar:Management of Drinking Water, Dams, and Lake Basins Depending on The Changing Climate

By Dr. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kemal Güneş

TUBITAK ,Marmara Research Center

13th March, 2025 (01:30 PM, Pakistan Standard Time)


Although climate change has begun to show its effects in recent years, according to climate change scenarios, its main impact is expected to become more pronounced within the next decade. Freshwater resources are among the most vulnerable resources to a changing climate. As is well known, drinking water sources are prioritized in water allocation. Therefore, it is inevitable that pressures on these strategic resources will increase in the future. Drinking water sources not only serve as water supply points in their respective basins but also support biodiversity, agriculture, livestock farming, and, when sufficient, various industrial sectors. For this reason, the management of drinking water sources and their basins involves multidimensional protection and utilization strategies. These strategies can be categorized as follows: the impact of climate change scenarios on the studied lake or reservoir, determination of lake and reservoir water quality, surface runoff and pollution transport in the lake basin, hydrogeological studies, population projections within the basin, agricultural and livestock activities, industrial status, etc. By evaluating all these key aspects, scientifically grounded regulations are established for the management of the drinking water basin.

Keywords; Climate change, drinking water, basin management, protection plan

Target Audience:

This webinar is open to academicians, scientists, and general public from all the member OIC states and beyond.

Profile of the Speaker:

 Kemal Gunes graduated from Ankara University Faculty of Agriculture in 1988. He completed his MSc in 1992 at the same university with a study on “The Quality of Surface Waters in the Sakarya Delta” and his PhD in 2000 with research titled “Testing Natural Treatment Technologies for Recycling Domestic Wastewater in Agriculture under Turkey’s Conditions.” In 2003, he completed his postdoctoral research at the Florida State University College of Civil and Environmental Engineering on “Landfill Methane Reduction.” In the following years, he implemented numerous pilot-scale and full-scale projects on the treatment of domestic and agricultural return flows using constructed wetland technologies. Additionally, he managed dozens of projects focused on preparing plans for the protection of drinking water basins. He also worked on the recovery of valuable chemicals and continues his research on the impacts of climate change on water resources.

Poster of webinar:  Attached

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Procedure to join:

Zoom link for participation will be shared selected participants.

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