COMSTECH Webinar on “Technological Trends For Beyond 5G Networks”
Prof. Dr. Mohamed-Slim Alouini
Distinguished Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineering
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST),
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Date and Time: December 9, 2021 from 15:00-16:30 (Pakistan Standard Time)
It goes without saying that there is a huge dissymmetry in global internet connectivity. Around half of the world’s population (or about 4 billion people) does not have boroadband connectivity, and it is expected that 5G (in it current initial deployment stages) will further accentuate this “global connectivity divide”.
Furthermore, the Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the fact that the “global connectivity divide” is in a way becoming one of the modern faces of inequality by deepening the economic and social unbalances between the ‘Haves’ and ‘Have Nots’ in a digital context. Hence, to achieve digital inclusiveness, there is a need of developing and deploying new technological solutions that help in connecting the unconnected/under-connected in an affordable manner.
In this context, this webinar aims to:
- Provide an envisioned picture of 6G
- Serve as a research guideline in the beyond 5G era
- Go over the recently proposed solutions to provide high-speed connectivity in under-covered areas in order to serve and contribute to the development of far-flung regions.
Target Audience:
The webinar is open to students, researchers, young scientists, and academicians from the OIC member states, and other countries.
For Registration please visit:
Procedure to Join: Zoom link will be shared with selected participants via email.

Profile of Speaker:
Prof. Dr. Mohamed-Slim Alouini was born in Tunis, Tunisia. He received the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), USA, in 1998.
He served as a faculty member at the University of Minnesota then in the Texas A&M University at Qatar before joining the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) in 2009, where he is now a Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
Prof. Alouini is a Fellow of the IEEE and of the OSA. He is currently particularly interested in addressing the technical challenges associated with the uneven distribution, access to, and use of information and communication technologies in far-flung, rural, low-density populations, low-income, and/or hard-to-reach areas.
Webinar Coordinator:
Muhammad Haseeb Ahmad
Program Officer
COMSTECH, Islamabad.
Phone: +92 51 9220681