Cancer Genetics and Signal Transduction Workshop
15-16 March 2023
University of Jordan Hallaiqa Hall / Chemistry Department

Introduction of the Speaker : Click Here

Program Details: Click Here

For Registration: Click Here

The Cancer Genetics and Signal Transduction Workshop is a two-day event that will provide attendees with a comprehensive overview of two key areas of cancer research.

Day-1-Morning: The first day of the workshop will focus on Cancer Genetics, and the morning session will begin with a three-hour session covering an introduction to the topic. This will include an overview of the basic principles of cancer genetics, including the classification of cancers, oncogenes, tumor suppressor genes, epigenetics, and miRNA. Attendees will gain a thorough understanding of the genetic basis of cancer and the mechanisms that lead to the development of the disease.

Day-1 Afternoon: The afternoon session of the first day will be a two-hour session dedicated to the relationship between diet and cancer gene regulation. This session will explore the impact of nutrition on gene expression and how dietary factors can influence cancer development. The session will be interactive, with attendees invited to ask questions and participate in discussions.

Day-2 Morning: The second day of the workshop will be dedicated to Signal Transduction, a key area of cancer research that focuses on the processes by which signals are transmitted within cells. Attendees will learn about the different types of receptors, including G-protein receptors, tyrosine kinase receptors, and non-tyrosine kinase receptors. The session will also cover second messengers, such as cAMP, G=GMP, Ca2+, IP3, and DAG, and transducers, including kinases, STAT, JAK pathways, and transcriptional factors. This comprehensive overview of signal transduction will provide attendees with the knowledge needed to understand the complex cellular signaling pathways that contribute to cancer development.

Day -2 Afternoon: The afternoon session of the second day will be dedicated to tissue culture. Attendees will learn about primary cell lines, cancer cell lines, adherent cancer cells, and non-adherence cells. The session will cover the basics of cell culture, including the techniques and tools used to maintain cell lines in the laboratory. Attendees will have the opportunity to practice the techniques and learn from experienced researchers in the field.
The Cancer Genetics and Signal Transduction Workshop is an ideal opportunity for researchers, clinicians, and students to gain a comprehensive understanding of two key areas of cancer research. Attendees will learn from experienced researchers, participate in interactive discussions. By the end of the workshop, attendees will have the knowledge and skills needed to contribute to cutting-edge research in the field of cancer biology.

➢ To provide attendees with a comprehensive overview of the basic principles of cancer genetics, including the classification of cancers, oncogenes, tumor suppressor genes, epigenetics, and miRNA.
➢ To help attendees understand the relationship between diet and cancer gene regulation, including how dietary factors can influence cancer development.
➢ To provide attendees with a comprehensive overview of signal transduction, including the different types of receptors, second messengers, and transducers.
➢ To provide attendees with hands-on experience in tissue culture techniques, including the maintenance of primary cell lines, cancer cell lines, adherent cancer cells, and non-adherence cells.
➢ To encourage discussions and interactive sessions among attendees, where they can ask questions and share their insights.
➢ To help attendees gain a deeper understanding of the complexities of cancer biology and the latest research trends in the field.
➢ To enable attendees to develop new skills and knowledge that they can apply to their research, clinical work, or studies in the field of cancer biology.
Overall, the objectives of the Cancer Genetics and Signal Transduction Workshop are to provide attendees with a comprehensive and interactive learning experience that equips them with the knowledge and skills needed to contribute to cutting-edge research in the field of cancer biology.
The Cancer Genetics and Signal Transduction Workshop is designed for a range of professionals, researchers, and students in the field of cancer biology, including:
➢ Researchers: The workshop will provide researchers with a comprehensive overview of cancer genetics and signal transduction.
➢ Clinicians: Clinicians who specialize in cancer treatment will benefit from a deeper understanding of cancer genetics and signal transduction, which can help inform their treatment decisions.
➢ Graduate Students: Graduate students who are studying cancer biology or related fields will benefit from the comprehensive overview of cancer genetics and signal transduction. The workshop will also provide them with hands-on experience in tissue culture techniques, which can be useful for their research projects.
Overall, the target audience for the Cancer Genetics and Signal Transduction Workshop includes anyone who is interested in learning about the latest research trends and techniques in the field of cancer biology, including researchers, clinicians, and students.

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