COMSTECH Research Fellowship Program for Muslim Minorities in Non-OIC Countries

Call for Application is Open

Flyer: Click Here

Muslim minorities living in Non OIC states comprise of 500 million Muslims which constitute one third of the total Muslim population. With such large population spread all over the world, the complexity of social and economic problems of these Muslims have gained immense importance for the OIC. COMSTECH plans to extend assistance for the Muslim minorities in the non OIC Member States, and address the difficulties that stand in the way of their academic development and progress. A major focus of COMSTECH has been on Higher Education and human resource development of fellow Muslims. Therefore, through this initiative, COMSTECH wishes to promote economic, technological and social change, and build capacity of the Muslim minorities.

COMSTECH and prestigious CCoE member Institutions in Pakistan, Malaysia, Turkey, Bangladesh, Iran, Indonesia and Uganda etc. will jointly offer research fellowships to young researcher in Muslim minorities in Non-OIC countries, to enable them to spend 6-12 months at a relevant center of excellence in many listed institutions of OIC member states. The purpose of these fellowships is to enhance the research and development capacity of promising researchers and engineers from Muslim minorities in the Non-OIC member states who are at the beginning of their research career, to help them to foster linkages for further collaboration in their fields.

List of currently enrolled Fellows under CCoE COMSTECH Research Fellowship Program for Muslim Minorities in Non-OIC Countries; 2022- 2023 click here

Details of the call;

Call Status: The call is currently open 

Hosting Country/Institutions:  Various R &D and higher education institutions of OICmember states
List of CCoE Members

Eligible nationality: Muslim Minorities (5 to 10 percent of the total population) in Non-OIC countries

Minimum degree held: B.S/M.S./Ph.D. or equivalent

Duration: 6-12 months

Age limit: Maximum 35 years (For graduate studies), 45 years (For post-graduate studies)

Field: Natural Sciences/Applied Sciences/Engineering and technology


  • The scholarships are for research and advanced training. They are offered to young scientists holding at least a B.S, M.S or equivalent degree for graduate studies, and Ph.D. for post-graduate studies or involved in active research.
  • Eligible applicants for the research fellowships are young scientists and Engineers who in Muslim Minority in a non OIC country, or are employed by a research institution in that country.
  • There is an age limit for these research fellowships. However, preference is given to young applicants (particularly women scientists) at the beginning of their research career.

Please note that Research fellowships are awarded by COMSTECH, along with Host Institutions Joint Scholarship Committee, based on scientific merit.

Deadline: Applications /Nominations are open all around the year

Terms of the Scholarships

  • The Research Fellowships are offered for Six to twelve months, and Technician Trainings are offered for 2 to 4 weeks.
  • COMSTECH will bear international low-cost airfare.
  • The host institutions are expected to provide subsistence supervision, and mentor local trainings.

Application Submission

Applicant is required to submit applications through this link. Click here for Application Form.
All the supporting documents must be named correctly. In case any information is incomplete or missing, the application will be considered incomplete and rejected.

Contact Information: 

Address: COMSTECH Secretariat, 33-Constitution Avenue, G-5/2, Islamabad 
Phone No. : 92 51 9220681-3
Fax : 92 51 9211115, 9220265, 9205264

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