A public Lecture by COMSTECH on Microbial Biofilm Formation and its Importance as a Drug Target. Hybrid Event

Date and Time: 28th February 2022
15:00pm- 16:00pm Pakistan Standard Time

COMSTECH Secretariat, 33-Constitution Avenue, G-5/2, Islamabad

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Ute Römling, PhD

Professor of Medical Microbial Physiology

Department of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology

Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden


Speakers Profile: Attached here

Registration:  at https://forms.gle/4LWLDUPUkYqVWn5i7

  • Join us in Person (for residents of Islamabad and Rawalpindi only)

COMSTECH Secretariat, 33-Constitution Avenue, G-5/2, Islamabad 

  • Virtually through Zoom Meeting

Registration outcome will be shared through email, therefore, pl. give your valid email address.

Participants will receive E-certificates.

Contact persons:

Ms. Khazima Muazim                                      Ms. Maham Yamin
Programme Manager                                       programme Officer

COMSTECH Secretariat, Islamabad     
E-mail: khazima@comstech.org
E-mail: maham.yamin@comstech.org

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