COMSTECH-IFS Research Grants Program

Allocation of Resources US$200,000/year
COMSTECH Share US$100,000/year
Total Number of Grantees 341 (up to 2019)

COMSTECH signed a MoU with International Foundation for Science (IFS), Stockholm, in 1998 for strengthening of S&T in the OIC member states. The joint Program is valuable because of the similarity of the mandates and strong common interests in capacity building of the two organizations in the developing countries. The essential purpose of the collaboration is to enhance research capability within the OIC region, and to reap a rich harvest by obtaining matching grants from IFS (US$ 0.1 million/year) for OIC scientists and institutions.

This important program has financed 341 projects in various disciplines in 32 member states of the OIC. The countries supported include Afghanistan, Algeria, Bangladesh, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Cote d’Ivoire, Djibouti, Egypt, Gabon, Gambia, Indonesia, Iran, Jordan, Lebanon, Malaysia, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Palestine, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somali, Sudan, Suriname, Togo, Tunisia and Uganda. The funds jointly provided so far amount to US$ 3.6878 million. Country-wise distribution of the grants is given in the following table:
Country-wise Distribution of COMSTECH-IFS Grantees from 1998 to 2019

S. No.CountryNo. of GranteesGrant in US$
1.              Afghanistan111,900
2.              Algeria112,000
3.              Bangladesh19206,400
4.              Benin26277,599
5.              Burkina Faso20200,329
6.              Cameroon19209,843
7.              Cote d’Ivoire20210,838
8.              Djibouti19,500
9.              Egypt13146,230
10.           Gabon223,500
11.           Gambia219,534
12.           Indonesia14167,220
13.           Iran15160,610
14.           Jordan555,500
15.           Lebanon223,500
16.           Malaysia13125,850
17.           Mali10102,624
18.           Mauritania112,000
19.           Morocco12119,970
20.           Mozambique554,850
21.           Niger885,740
22.           Nigeria22230,775
23.           Pakistan38417,892
24.           Palestine222,000
25.           Senegal12128,631
26.           Somalia112,000
27.           Sierra Leone447,920
28.           Sudan10115,965
29.           Suriname112,000
30.           Togo13145,979
31.           Tunisia12134,530
32.           Uganda17184,654
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