COMSTECH Distinguished Scholars Programme

The aim is to build the scientific capacity of OIC Member Countries in various scientific fields of science, technology, & innovation (STI) through benefitting from the best of talent globally. To project soft image of Muslim world against islamophobia and show case best talent to create a positive global impact of OIC Member States.

Top distinguished scientists/ engineers are engaged to serve as experts/resource persons for inter-Islamic activities. The nominated eminent scholars shall be requested by COMSTECH to visit institutions in the OIC region to review their academic structure and suggest reforms, as well as conduct capacity building workshops, and training courses. The nominated scholar(s) shall be expected to make weeklong visits (biannually) to selected institutions in the OIC region. This initiative will allow scholars to showcase their prowess in the field internationally, and would allow other countries to learn from consummate trained eminent scientists and engineers.

List of Distinguished Scholars

Contact Information: 

Muhammad Haris Akram
Programme Manager, COMSTECH
Tel: +92-51-9220681-3
Fax: +92-51-9205264, +92-51-9220265

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