The COMSTECH Executive Committee decided in its 15th meeting in 1996 to institute awards to recognize outstanding research work carried out by scientists who are citizens of, and working in, OIC member states. Each award carries a certificate, shield of honor and cash prize. Further information is given in the following.


These awards are given in four basic sciences; Biology and Chemistry alternating biennially with Mathematics and Physics. Each award carries a cash prize of US$ 5000. The awards in Basic Sciences are conferred on the recipients by H.E. President of Pakistan (Chairman COMSTECH) in the COMSTECH General Assembly.  So far, 24 scientists from Egypt, Iran, Jordan, Morocco, Pakistan, Sudan and Turkey, have received these awards:


Introduced in 2009 and modified in 2017, so far 27 scientists from Algeria, Bangladesh, Egypt, Iran, Malaysia, Morocco, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Uzbekistan, have been given these awards. These biennial awards carry a certificate, shield of honour and cash prize (US$ 3000 in categories A, B, C, and US$ 2000 in category D), for each recipient of the award in the following categories:

  1. Best Young Researcher Award

This award is meant for scientists under the age of 40.

  1. Best Scientific Book Award

This award is for the author of an outstanding scientific book published by internationally renowned publisher during the last two years.

  1. Award for Patent

The award recognizes individuals for outstanding contributions that have had lasting impact in furthering the theory and or development of commercial systems. The patent must have been registered during the past five years.

  1. Best Research Paper Award

This award recognizes outstanding research paper published in an international journal in the last two years. The award is given in each of the four basic sciences (Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics).

These awards have so far been won by the following scientists:

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