COMSTECH and TUBITAK join hands for capacity building of OIC member states
Coordinator General COMSTECH, Prof. Dr. M. Iqbal Choudhary had a virtual meeting with the Executive Vice President of Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK), Dr. Orkun HASEKİOĞLU, on 16th June 2020 at 1500 hrs. Ms. Khazima Muazim, Programme Manager, COMSTECH also attended the meeting.
Both dignitaries decided to extend support and partnership in holding capacity building initiatives in areas of science, technology and engineering. These will include joint holding of thematic workshops, and providing research scholarships for OIC countries. TUBITAK offered support to COMSTECH in technicians training in Pakistan and least developed OIC member states. It was decided to invite SESRIC to join technicians training initiative. COMSTECH and TUBITAK agreed to work together to ensure availability of sustainable support for STI projects in future. It was mutually decided to conduct strategic review of various STI initiatives in OIC countries.