COMSTECH – ICCBS International Workshop on
“Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning in Life Sciences”
March 25, 2021
Venue: COMSTECH Secretariat, Islamabad-Pakistan
Deadline for Applications: March 07, 2021

The Islamic world is very diverse, comprising many developing countries, which are still in need of awareness and knowledge regarding the latest scientific research techniques. As science progresses, the current research topics touch many fields of expertise requiring interdisciplinary expertise. In this scenario, researchers, scientists working in all fields of natural sciences have to indulge themselves in research techniques from other disciplines to produce authentic and reliable research.
High throughput genomic and proteomic techniques have revolutionized the pace of scientific discovery while pouring tons of data into the databases. Use of technologies like Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) and Molecular docking paved the way for DNA to phenotype investigations in quite a less time and resources.
Realizing the importance of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Life Sciences, COMSTECH in collaboration with International Center for Chemical and Biological Sciences (ICCBS), karachi has planned a one-day workshop focusing on the subject in March 2021.
The objective of this COMSTECH – ICCBS International Workshop on “Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning in Life Sciences” is to highlight the role of modern-day Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) techniques in life sciences research and product development. It will benefit researchers from life sciences such as; Medical sciences, Biosciences, Chemistry, Physics, Statistics, Bio-Medical engineering, Computer Sciences and Bioinformatics. This conference will provide a strong foundation on the theoretical and practical aspects of data sciences with reference to life sciences research. This international workshop will bring together the researchers, scientists, industrials partners, and practitioners interested in the analysis, design, and development of AI and ML techniques to be applied in life sciences research and development.
Target Audience:
Scientists, researchers, medical professionals involved in life sciences, computer scientists and young entrepreneurs from the OIC countries.
Key Contents:
The workshop will cover the following topics highlighting the role of AI & ML in:
- Genomics
- Transcriptomics
- Proteomics and drug design
- Health care
- Agriculture
Travel & Local Hospitality:
COMSTECH will arrange local hospitality, for all selected participants. Travel support will be provided to the speakers/resource persons only. Participants are expected to get their travel funding from their parent organizations/country of origin.
Registration Process:
Step 1: Open online registration form, physical participation and virtual participation
Step 2: Read instructions in the application form carefully and submit a properly filled form along with your CV.
Step 3: Selected candidates will be notified through email; hence, applicants are required to check their emails regularly.
The workshop will be held at the COMSTECH headquarters, Islamabad. The city was purpose-built as the capital of sixth largest globally and second most populous (in OIC) country Pakistan in the year 1966. Pakistan, according to the Forbes magazine, is a hidden treasure for tourists with rich cultural diversity, ancient history, diverse landscape, cuisines, modern cities, and locally produced items.
Technical Focal Persons
- Dr. Waseem Haider
Assistant Professor
Computational Biology and Bioinformatics Group (CBBG)
COMSATS University Islamabad
- Dr. Reaz Uddin
Associate Professor
Computational Biology
ICCBS, University of Karachi
Workshop Coordinator
Muhammad Haris Akram
Programme Manager, COMSTECH
Tel: +92-51-9220681-3