6th International and 15th National Conference on Dynamic Trends in Plant Sciences: Fostering the Environment and Food Security

SBK Women’s University, Quetta, Pakistan

May 9-11, 2017

The 6th International and 15th National Conference on Dynamic Trends in Plant Sciences: Fostering the Environment and Food Security was held from 9 to 11 May 2017 at SBK Women’s University, Quetta, Pakistan. It was co-sponsored by COMSTECH.

The conference was a milestone in the history of Baluchistan as being the first one ever to be conducted on this topic. It offered an occasion for the eminent scholars and researchers to present their work. It proved to be a good platform for interaction and collaboration among scholars from various disciplines related to plant sciences and at the same time provided an opportunity of networking and scholarship from renowned experts from multiple fields in the realm of botanical sciences.

A number of international scholars as well as Pakistani scientists from different parts of the country attended this event. In all about 500 scholars, researchers, scientists and students participated. The conference comprised four sessions with three sessions of plenary lectures which covered five themes (listed below). There were 31 plenary lectures, 2 online lectures from UK, and oral and poster presentations in the fields of Biotechnology, Botany, Chemistry, Environmental Sciences and Microbiology. Eleven speakers from Japan, Malaysia, Nigeria, Turkey and UK delivered their lectures along with twenty renowned scientists from Pakistan.

This event provided an excellent opportunity to the participants to share knowledge and exchange their research findings, ideas, experiences and views on different topics in biological sciences. It also introduced the first women’s university in Balochistan at international and national level and acquaint the participants with its current work for advanced research and studies.

THEME- 1: Agriculture and Plant Physiology



Abiotic and Biotic Stresses

Nutrients and Biofertilizers

Plants and Livestock

Food Safety and Security

Plant Breeding and Genetics

Organic Farming and Hydroponics

Plants for Livestock

THEME- 2: Plant Biotechnology, Biochemistry

Bioinformatics and molecular Biology

Tissue Culture

Cell and Molecular Biology



Data Mining, NGS, Algorithm, Database

Phytochemistry and Biotransformation

THEME- 3: Plant Pathology, Microbiology and Disease Management




Plant Nematology

Plant Disease

Biological and Chemical Control

THEME- 4: Plant Ecology and Environment

Sustainable Development and Applied Ecology

Population, Community, Ecosystem


Environmental Pollution

Global Warming

Green Chemistry


THEME- 5: Plant Systematics, Ethnobotany and Biodiversity

Plant Biodiversity, Conservation and Ethnobotany

Bryophytes, Pteridophytes and Gymnosperm

Plant Taxonomy and Biosystematics


Medicinal Botany

Molecular Systematics

Contact Person

Vice Chancellor’s Secretariat

Sardar Bahadur Khan Women’s University

Brewery Road Quetta. Pakistan.

Phone No: +92(081)9213301

Fax No:  +92(081)9213308

Email: vc@sbkwu.edu.pk

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