Application of Nuclear Radiation in Agriculture, Medicine, Non-Destructive Testing and Nuclear Regulatory Practices

April 18-23, 2016 at COMSTECH, Islamabad-Pakistan
Organized by COMSTECH in collaboration with Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC), Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority (PNRA), and International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

S.N.Resource PersonResource Person’s AffiliationEmail AddressTitle of Talk
1.Mr. Rodolfo NunezSection of Nuclear Medicine and Diagnostic Imaging, Division of Human Health, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna Austria R.Nunez-MIller@iaea.orga) Nuclear Medicine and Diagnostic Programmes at the IAEA b) PET/CT in Oncology c) Therapeutic Aspects of Nuclear Medicine
2.Mr. Abdulghani ShakhashiroDivision for Asia and the Pacific, Department of Technical Cooperation, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna Austriaa.shakhashiro@iaea.orga) IAEA Platform for Scientists Engineers & Researchers b) Proficiency Testing Plan and DO’s and Dont’s of Proficiency Testing
3.Mr. Harri Tapani Varjonen

Nuclear Power Engineering Section
Division of Nuclear Power
Department of Nuclear Energy, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna Austria
H.Varjonen@iaea.orga) IAEA Activities on Maintenance and Outage Optimization b) IAEA Activities on NDE/ISI. Optimization in NPPs to Improve NPPS Performance
4.Ms. Kaisa Koskinen NuclearNuclear Reactor Regulation FinlandNAa) Qualification, Validation and Inspection in Pressure Vessel b) Pre and Post PSI/ISI activities (International Practices) c) Surveillance Program for the Integrity of RPV d) Emerging Technologies and Advance Use of Current Methods
5.Mladen PajnicCroatian Nuclear Society, CroatiaNAa) Code and Standards for NDT Qualification and Inspection in Pressure Vessel b) Data acquisition and analysis of Eddy Current Testing of SG tubes, Thimble tubes and RPV Studs and Nuts c) Data acquisition and analysis of Eddy Current Testing of SG tubes, Thimble tubes and RPV Studs and Nuts d) Inspection of the Buried Pipelines using NDT e) Mechanized Inspection Systems (Data Acquisition and Analysis) of RPV, Vessel Head, RCCA and RPV Studs and Nuts f) Mechanized Inspection Systems (Data Acquisition and Analysis) of RPV, Vessel Head, RCCA and RPV Studs and Nuts
6.Dr. Muhammad BasimPrincipal Scientist Department of Physics, Pakistan Institute of Engineering & Applied Sciences. Islamabad-PakistanNAIntroduction to Ionizing Radiations & Fundamentals of Radiological Protection
7.Dr. Muhammed FaheemDirector, Nuclear Medicine Oncology & Radiotherapy Institute, Islamabad-PakistanNARole of PAEC in Health Sector
8.;Dr. Shabana SaeedHoD Department of Medical Sciences, Pakistan Institute of Engineering & Applied Sciences, of PIEAS in Human Resource Development for Nuclear Medicine & Radiation Oncology
9.Dr. Muhammad SohaibAssociate Professor Department of Medical Science, Pakistan Institute of Engineering & Applied Sciences, Islamabad-PakistanNAUses of Radiation Sources in Medicine
 Dr. Basit IqbalAssociate Professor, Department of Medical Science, Pakistan Institute of Engineering & Applied Sciences, Islamabad-PakistanNANuclear Medicine Imaging – Current Practices & the Future Trends
 Dr. Nayyer IqbalDirector Medical & Biotechnology, Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission Islamabad-PakistanNAAgriculture and Biotechnology Institute of PAEC and their contributions in the Agriculture Sector
 Dr. Tariq Mehmood ShahDeputy Chief Scientist, National Institute for Agriculture & Biology, Faisalabad-PakistanNADevelopment and impact of mutant varieties on agriculture production in Pakistan
 Dr. Muhammad ArifPrincipal Scientist, National Institute for Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering, Faisalabad-Pakistanmarif_nibge@yahoo.comPlant breeding in post genomic era
 Dr. Shahid MansoorDirector, National Institute for Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering, Faisalabad-Pakistanshahidmansoor7@gmail.comBiotechnology; perspective and utilizations for socioeconomic development
 Dr. Qaiser Mahmood KhanDyputy Chief Scientist, National Institute for Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering, Faisalabad-PakistanNAAnimal reproduction and health; nuclear and biotechnological approaches
 Dr. Nazia SulemanPr. Scientist, National Institute for Agriculture & Biology, Faisalabad-PakistanNaIntegrated pest management and its practical applications
 Dr. Ihsan ullahDirector, National Institute for Food & Agriculture, Peshawar-PakistanNASanitary and phyto-sanitary treatment of food and agriculture products through irradiation technology
 Dr. Khalid MahmoodDyputy Chief Scientist, National Institute for Agriculture & Biology, Faisalabad-PakistanNAManaging saline soils and brackish water for enhancing productivity and improvement of degraded environment
 Dr. Muhammad SadiqDirector NISAS, Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority,  Islamabad-Pakistandr.sadiq@pnra.orga) Introduction to PNRA b) Capacity building in Nuclear/Radiation safety & security
 Mr.Mohammad UsmanPrincipal Scientific Officer, Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority, Islamabad-Pakistan                     musman@pnra.orga) PNRA Regulatory Framework b) Authorization and Licensing of Radiation Facilities
 Mr. Nasir MughalPrincipal Scientific Officer, Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority, Islamabad-Pakistan                      nasir.mughal@pnra.orgAuthorization and Licensing of Nuclear Installations
 Mr. Naveed Maqbul nmaqbul@pnra.orgReview & Assessment
 Mr. Shahbaz A. Nasir BhattiPrincipal Engineer, Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority, Islamabad-Pakistan                      shahbaz.ali@pnra.orgRegulatory Inspections of Nuclear Installations
 Dr. Tariq MajeedDeptartment of Medical Science, Pakistan Institute of Engineering & Applied Sciences, Islamabad-PakistanNAFactors affecting the Image Quality in Nuclear Medicine
 Dr. Brg. (R) Muhammad IlyasSenior Radiologist, PAEC General Hospital, Islamabad-PakistanNAUse of Radiation in Diagnostic Radiology
 Dr. Hasan NisarDeptartment of Medical Science, Pakistan Institute of Engineering & Applied Sciences Islamabad-PakistanNARole of Radiation in Treatment Cancer
 Mr. Asad EjazPrincipal Scientific Officer, Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority, Islamabad-Pakistanasad.ejaz@pnra.orgRegulatory Inspections of  Radiation Facilities
 Mr. Abdul Shakoor abdul.shakoor@pnra.orgPNRA Enforcement Process
 Mr. Zia Hussain ShahDirector General Technical, Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority, Islamabad-Pakistanzia.shah@pnra.orgInterface and Cooperation with National & International Organizations
 Mr. Salman AhmadSenior Scientific Officer, Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority, Islambad-Pakistansalman.ahmad@pnra.orgCoordination in handling Radiological Emergencies
 Dr. Mohammad ShahidPrincipal Scientific Officer, Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority, Islamabad-Pakistanm.shahid@pnra.orgAuxiliary Function of PNRA
 Dr. Shahida Waheed  Director Coordination, Pakistan Institute of Nuclear Science & Technology, Islamabad-Pakistan  NARole of Nuclear Analytical Techniques in monitoring, Fingerprinting and Source Apportionment of Air Pollution in Pakistan
 Mr. Zahid Latif  Head of Department, Isotope application Division, Pakistan Institute of Nuclear Science & Technology, Islamabad-PakistanNAApplication of Isotope Techniques in Hydrology, Industry, Environment and Life Sciences
 Mr. Ghiyas Ud DinIsotope application Division, Pakistan Institute of Nuclear Science & Technology, Islamabad-PakistanNARadioisotope Technology for the Benefit of Industry
 Dr. Mushtaq Ahmed/Dr. Muhammad SaleemDirector, National Institute of Lasers & Optronics, Islamabad-Pakistanmahmed5555@yahoo.comRole of laser as a diagnostic and treatment tool in Medical & Agriculture
 Dr. Abida RazaPrincipal Scientist, Nuclear Medicine, Oncology & Radiotherapy Institute, Islamabad-PakistanNANanotheranostics: Combining the therapeutic and detection modalities
 Mr. Aslam Umer NAManufacturing/Designing parts of Nuclear Power Plants in Pakistan
 Mr. Zaheer Ahmed NAIntroduction to NCNDT
 Shams Shahid Ayub NAPower Plant Controls and Simulations
 Dr. Safdar Ali NAIntroduction to Nuclear Waste Management
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