COMSTECH-Technology Times International Workshop on “Science Communication: Enhancing Public Understanding”

January 10-11, 2017

Program of the Workshop

In a world where the gap between science and society continues to widen and where the science communication landscape is changing fast, there is a growing demand for people with professional skills in the effective public communication of science. Realizing the need, a workshop was jointly organized by COMSTECH and Technology Times in January 2017 at COMSTECH, Islamabad.

This two-day workshop exclusively addressed the needs of scientific writing and science communication. It endeavoured to impart required knowledge and expertise so that science could be presented in various media in an informative as well as entertaining manner and to attract and hold the attention of a common person.

The Workshop was designed to provide professional development opportunities for people working in environments where science and research outcomes need to be made accessible to the general public and to science policy audiences. The workshop comprised of the following modules;

Communicating Science to the Public

Communicating Global Challenges: Climate Change, Water, Food & Energy

Communicating Science to Policymakers and Science Diplomacy

Analysis of Media Reporting on Life Sciences

Issues & Risks Associated with Science Communication in Digital Age

Science Communication and Academia

Scientists, science communication officers and media persons benefited from the workshop. Many suggestions came from the participants, such as;

introduction of Science Communication as an exclusive beat in media houses;

curriculum reform to incorporate explicit training on Science Communication

adding strategic value of effective and innovative science communication for S&T organizations

continuing program to promote science popularization through Science Communication

support for existing science and technology media houses

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