Thematic Workshops

The Coordinator General of COMSTECH in 2006 conceived the idea to offer thematic symposia, training courses and training courses in frontier technologies. The ultimate aim behind it was to build capacity of young scientists in the Islamic world, and to develop strategies to find solutions through the applications of advanced technologies. These strategies are hoped to provide guidance and prescribed agenda of research for various university laboratories and Research and Development organizations. Initially, the main thrust of the proposed program was on emerging sciences and technologies under the broad umbrella of biotechnology, with the main outcome directed towards research programs geared to impact national economies.

The first phase of this program started in August 2006, and was completed in June 2009. The total cost in this phase amounted to US$ 0.566 million. The program was jointly sponsored by COMSTECH and the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan.

Originally, it was planned to organize 10 thematic training courses to benefit 200 researchers over a period of two years. The project was later revised and extended till June 2009 and, instead, 19 international training courses were offered within the same budget. Resource persons from Australia, Bangladesh, China, Cuba, Germany, Iran, Italy, Netherlands, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, U.A.E.,

U.K., and U.S.A., made themselves available to train 447 scientists from 23 OIC member states. In addition a number of resource persons from Pakistani universities and institutes who were actively involved in research were also invited to conduct training sessions.

Looking at the success of the training courses, COMSTECH decided to revive the program in 2011. During this phase, 43 courses have been organized to-date at a cost of US$ 0.299 million. These training courses covered broad areas of Science and Technology, and have brought together a large number of young scientists from OIC member states to update their knowledge and develop future collaborations.

The 43 training courses of this phase were attended by 1,148 participants from 21 countries, from Afghanistan, Cameroon, China, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Malaysia, Morocco, Nepal, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria, Turkey, and UAE. They were trained by 141 resources persons from Australia, Bangladesh, Canada, China, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Iran, Iraq, Italy, Jordan, Malaysia, Morocco, Nepal, New Zealand, Oman, Philippines, Qatar, Romania, Slovenia, South Africa, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, UAE, UK, USA, and 298 from Pakistan. Judging from the feedback received from the participants, COMSTECH intends to continue with this activity.

For the year 2015

 Work shop Title/ThemeDate
1:Current Developments and Applications of Mathematical Sciences5th – 7th January, 2015

The list of workshops and training programs held during 2011 – 2019

The list of workshops and training programs held during 2006-2009

For further information, Please contact:

Hanifa Beg
Programme Manager
Tel: +92-51-9220681-3
Fax: +92-51-9205264, +92-51-9220265

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