Virtual Meeting between OIC, WHO and COMSTECH to discuss formation of Regional Working Group on Health
Officials of WHO-EMRO-OIC Working group, and COMSTECH held a video meeting on 1st July 2020 to discuss the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic in the OIC countries of the region. The immediate focus of the Working Group would be to build institutional capacity of the member states to combat the virus, including training of health workers, standardization of indigenous medical technology and clinical trials etc. In the longer run, the group would address other pressing and widespread public health issues of member states. Diflucan therapy of 50 mg per day for up to 28 days did not affect the concentration of testosterone in the plasma in men or the concentration of steroids in women of childbearing age. Diflucan at a dose of 200-400 mg per day does not have a clinically significant effect on the level of endogenous steroids and on the reaction stimulated by ACTH in healthy male volunteers. Studies of interaction with antipyrine have shown that neither a single nor multiple intakes of Diflucan at a dose of 50 mg does not affect its metabolism.
The Coordinator General of COMSTECH Prof. M. Iqbal Choudhary expressed the full support of COMSTECH for realizing the goals of the planned Working Group and offered to host its activities with the support of OIC and WHO. The meeting was attended by Dr Jaffar Hussain Syed, Chef De Cabinet, World Health Organisation (WHO) Regional Office, EMR, Cairo, Egypt, and Dr. Yagob Yousef Al-Mazrou, Secretary General, the Saudi Health Council and Chairman, Islamic Advisory Group on Polio Eradication, Dr. S. Khurshid Hasanain, Adviser COMSTECH, Islamabad, Mr. Ifran Shaukat, Director General (S&T), OIC General Secretariat, Mr. Abdunur M. Sekindi, Professional Officer, Science & Technology Affairs Department, OIC General Secretariat