1st COMSTECH International Virtual Conference of Neuroscience

Date: February 9-10, 2022

Venue: COMSTECH Secretariat, Islamabad, Pakistan.

Introduction to the Field of Neuroscience:

Neuroscience is one of the most important components of science which covers structure and functioning of the whole nervous system. The field of neuroscience includes basic scientists, neuro-immunologists, neurologists, neurosurgeons, psychiatrist, neuropsychologists, neuro-radiologists, neuro-rehabilitation, and so forth. There are more than 5 million neuroscientists across the globe, mostly located in developed countries. Furthermore, neurosciences contribute to 10% of all research and 20% of all health sciences research; hence, making it a key area of focus.


The OIC region is vast and diverse, comprising of many developing and under-developed countries which are still in need of skills and knowledge in scientific research for the healthcare sector. This international conference of Neuroscience aims to build capacity of health professionals in neurological care, and to promote networking among experts of OIC countries especially the least developed African countries.

Target Audience:

Scientists, researchers, academicians, graduate students, neuroscientists, neurologists, neurosurgeons, psychiatrist, neuro-psychologists, neuro-radiologists from the OIC countries are encouraged to participate.

Key topics to be covered:

The workshop will cover the following thematic areas:

  1. Stroke
  2. Epilepsy
  3. CNS infections
  4. Environment and brain
  5. Diagnosis and approach to neurological diseases
  6. OIC collaboration for research network

Registration Process:

  1. Registration for virtual participation: https://forms.gle/M4neTYtg9wjjtneg8  
  2. Read instructions in the application form carefully and submit a properly filled form.
  3. Selected candidates will be notified through email; hence, applicants are required to check their emails.

List of Speakers:

The tentative list of speakers will be uploaded shortly.

Technical Focal Person:

Prof. Dr. Muhammad Wasay

Section of Neurology, Department of Medicine

Agha Khan University

Karachi, Pakistan.

Workshop Coordinators:

Muhammad Haris Akram

Program Manager, COMSTECH

Tel: +92-51-9220681-3

Email: haris@comstech.org

Muhammad Haseeb Ahmad

Program Officer, COMSTECH

Tel: +92-51-9220681-3

Email: haseeb.ahmad@comstech.org

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