COMSTECH International Webinar on Light and Polymers by Prof. Dr. Yusuf Yagci
Professor of Chemistry at Istanbul Technical University, Turkey Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC)
Date: 10th September 2020
Time: 03:00 pm Pakistan Standard Time; 02:00 pm Gulf Standard Time;
10:00 am Greenwich Mean Time
COMSTECH has arranged webinar to discuss light based science and technologies and its impact on electronics, medicine, and in general natural sciences including chemistry, physics, biology, astronomy, and earth sciences.
Target Audience: This webinar is open to science policy makers, academicians, scientists and general public from all the member OIC states.
Poster of webinar: Attached
Abstract of talk: Attached

Speaker’s Profile:
Yusuf Yagci is a full professor of Chemistry at Istanbul Technical University, Turkey. He received his Ph.D. (1979) degree from Liverpool University (UK). He joined Istanbul Technical University in 1980 where he continued all his academic activities till now. He has published over 600 original research papers and 48 book chapters, and is the inventor and co-inventor of 10 patents. He is the recipient of several awards including The Society of Polymer Science, Japan (SPSJ) International Award (2008), OIC Ministerial COMSTEC International Award (2010), OIC Science & Technology Award (2017), and Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry (2017), Belgian Polymer Group International Award (2018), Japan Photopolymer Science and Technology Award (2018), Alexander von Humboldt Research Award (2018).
Link for registration and E- certificate:
Procedure to join:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 890 9946 8761
Passcode: 483685
Contact Information:
Address: COMSTECH Secretariat, 33-Constitution Avenue, G-5/2, Islamabad
Phone No. : 92 51 9220681-3
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