COMSTECH Virtual Innovation Lab

“Extracellular vesicles: Different sources, Different applications”
By Prof. Dr. Faezah Shekari
Assistant Professor in the Royan Institute
Royan Extracellular Vesicle Group Tehran, Iran

Date: July 29th, 2022
Time: 2:00 – 3:00 PM Pak Time

The therapeutic potential of naturally secreted micro- and nanoscale extracellular Vesicles (EVs) as attractive candidates for regenerative medicine and pharmaceutical science applications. In this session, sources, characterization of EVs leading to their potential applications will be discussed.

Dr. Faezah Shekari: is a member of Royan Extracellular Vesicle Group. She graduated in B.Sc. and M.Sc. of Cellular and Molecular Biology from Tehran University. During her undergraduate studies, she got interested in proteomics. She joined Royan Institute in 2005 to pursue her interests on membrane proteomics. During her PhD thesis, she got interested in subcellular fractionation and organellar proteomics under supervision of Dr. Hosseini Salekdeh and Prof. Baharvand. She performed international projects including membrane proteome analysis of liver microsomal fraction from international membrane proteomics initiative (MPI) as well as prepared and characterized standard sample for Asian and Oceania human embryonic stem cell MPI under supervision of Prof. Yu-Ju Chen (from Academia Sinica, Taiwan) and Dr. Hosseini Salekdeh and Prof. Baharvand (from Royan institute) in Academia Sinica. Currently, she works as an Assistant Professor in Royan Extracellular Vesicle Group. She is also chair of ISEV Rigor and standardization task force:

Flyer of the event: Attached

Target Audience:This webinar is open to academics, scientists and general public from all OIC states. 
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