A 3RD meeting of heads of National Medicines Regulatory Authorities were conducted on 17-18th Dec. 2024 at Saudi Food & Drug Authority, in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

There was a statement by the Vice President of Turkish Medicines and Medical Devices Agency and Vice chairman of the 2nd Meeting of NMRAs H.E. Prof. Dr Mehmet Kursat Derici with the thanks to President, Saudi Food & Drug Authority (FDA) to host 3rd meeting of the NMRAs. Prof. Mehmat invited H.E. Prof. Hisham Aljadhey, CEO /President of the Saudi Food &Drug Authority (SFDA) to the podium for a handover.

H.E. Prof. Hisham Aljadhey President SFDA welcomed the participants. He emphasized that OIC Member Countries should coordinate and collaborate for access of safe, effective and quality medicines at affordable price with responsible use. Prof. Aljadhey highlighted that next two days we will prepare strategies, activities, working institutions, indicators and time frame for implementation for 57 Muslim Countries.

Assistant Secretary General, H. E. Ambassador Aftab Ahmad Khokhar said that OIC GS cooperation will always be continued with member states. Every type of assistance required by the member country will be fully supported by the Secretariat. Dr. Idrissa Dia the representative of the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) said that many projects are in process in health and medicine. He mentioned that IsDB will continue his support to member states.

On the first day representatives of 11 member countries/Institutions from Saudi Arabia, Turkeyie, Jordan, Oman, Morocco, Gabon, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Senegal, UAE, and COMSTECH gave presentations on different topics related to medicine.

Eight member states/institutions, including IsDB and the President/CEO of Saudi Food & Drug Authority, attended the presentation of COMSTECH representative Dr. Abdur Rashid. On 2nd day 8 countries/institutions gave different presentations.

Closing session was chaired by H.E. Hashim Aljadhey, President SFDA and Aftab Ahmad Khokhar, Assistant Secretary General OIC for S&T. The participants adopted the Action Plan for 2025-27, and issued the Riyadh Declaration. The chair of the meeting thanked for active participation during these two days.

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