COMSTECH the Ministerial Standing Committee on Scientific and Technological Cooperation of the OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation)

has organised a webinar on

“A One Health Approach to Zoonotic Outbreaks”

Sep 19th 2024

03:00PM Pakistan standard Time

Online only

Registration Link : Click Here

Flyer: Click Here

Biography of Speaker:


Dean Social Science / Associate Professor (Health Economics)


(Degree Awarding Institute)

Prime Minister Health Complex, Park Road, Chak Shahzad, Islamabad, Pakistan

Dr. Tariq Mahmood Ali is a distinguished academic and public sector professional with over two decades of experience. His career spans various roles in academia and public service, reflecting his dedication to advancing education and health policy in Pakistan. Dr. Ali has taught extensively at the undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate levels in some of the country’s most prestigious institutions, including Federal Urdu University of Arts, Science and Technology (FUUAST), National University of Modern Languages (NUML), Quaid-i-Azam University, COMSATS University, and the Health Services Academy (HSA) in Islamabad.

Currently, Dr. Ali serves as the Dean of Social Sciences at the Health Services Academy, Islamabad, where he has been a pivotal figure since 2020. His academic expertise is broad, encompassing health economics, health financing, social health protection, public policy, and economic development. In addition to his role as Dean, he is also an Associate Professor of Health Economics at HSA, a position he has held since February 2022. Previously, he served as Registrar at HSA and as Assistant Professor of Health Economics.

Dr. Ali has made significant contributions to curriculum development in Pakistan, particularly in health economics. He designed and developed the curriculum for the BS, MS, and PhD programs in Health Economics, which were approved by the Higher Education Commission (HEC) and launched for the first time in Pakistan in Fall 2022 at HSA. His work in this area underscores his commitment to fostering advanced education in health economics, preparing future generations to address complex health policy challenges. His research credentials are equally impressive, having secured competitive research grants, including a $3,000 grant from STEPI, Korea in 2017. Dr. Ali has also secured substantial funding for various projects through the Public Sector Development Programme (PSDP) of the Government of Pakistan, amounting to millions of rupees. In the current financial year, he secured the project of one health workforce development (cost of Rs. 230 million) through PSDP, Government of Pakistan. He is currently serving as Project Director for multiple PSDP projects, focusing on health human resources, innovation, and the strengthening of the Health Services Academy.

As a WHO consultant, Dr. Ali played a key role in developing the PC-1 for Viral Hepatitis, a project valued at Rs. 350 million USD, which was subsequently approved by the Planning Commission. His expertise is further recognized in his role as a Social Health Protection Advisor and Research Excellence Expert with the GFA Consultant Group, where he supports government initiatives in social protection and health policies.

Dr. Ali’s academic achievements are equally notable. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Statistics, Mathematics, and Economics, an M.Sc. in Economics, and a PhD in Economics from the University of Manchester, UK, and FUUAST, Islamabad. He completed his PhD research with a scholarship from HEC at the Manchester Institute of Innovation Research (MioIR). Dr. Ali has published 21 research papers in peer-reviewed journals and has presented at international conferences. Currently, he is supervising 8 PhD scholars and 18 MS students and 30+ students have completed their MS research under his supervision. His name is listed among the « Productive Scientists of Pakistan » by the Pakistan Council for Science and Technology (PCST).

Dr. Ali’s extensive experience, academic achievements, and dedication to public service make him a leading figure in the fields of health economics and public policy in Pakistan.

Webinar Background:

The talk comprises of three parts. The first part will introduce the One Health approach, which emphasizes the interconnectedness of human, animal, and environmental health in addressing zoonotic outbreaks—infectious diseases that spread from animals to humans. The talk outlines how zoonotic diseases, such as rabies, SARS, and COVID-19, can escalate into significant health crises due to increased human-animal interaction. One Health adopts a multidisciplinary strategy involving preparedness, alert, response, and recovery phases to manage these outbreaks. It highlights the economic and health benefits of integrating human and animal health services, as demonstrated in various field applications, like providing joint veterinary and medical services to mobile pastoralists.

 The second part will delve into the human health perspective within the One Health framework for managing zoonotic outbreaks. It begins by defining public health as a discipline focused on preventing disease and promoting well-being across entire populations, highlighting the need for a collaborative, multisectoral approach in outbreak management. The talk then examines the four phases of outbreak response—preparedness, alert, response, and recovery—emphasizing the importance of relationship-building and coordination across human, animal, and environmental health sectors. Challenges such as siloed working, conflicting priorities, and communication issues are discussed, underscoring the need for trust and collaboration among stakeholders.

The third part will explore the role of animal health in managing zoonotic outbreaks through the One Health approach. It emphasizes the importance of veterinary services in preventing and controlling diseases transmitted between animals and humans, such as through livestock, companion animals, and wildlife. The talk outlines the veterinary domain, which includes animal health, welfare, food safety, and the challenges posed by antimicrobial resistance and global trade. It highlights the need for coordinated action across human, environmental, and animal health sectors, stressing the importance of preparedness, early detection, and effective communication during outbreaks. The talk also discusses the overlap between public and private veterinary services and the necessity of their collaboration.

The talk also addresses challenges in adopting the One Health approach, including sectoral silos and communication issues during outbreaks. Overall, the talk underscores the need for coordinated, cross-sectoral collaboration to prevent and manage zoonotic outbreaks effectively. The talk concludes by acknowledging challenges and advocating for continued coordination and integration across sectors.

Target audience:

Healthcare Professionals, Researchers and Academics, Humanitarian Workers, Policy Makers and Advocates and other interested students.

To register, kindly click here:

For more information, please contact:

Program Manager, Ms. Khazima Muazim

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