COMSTECH Distinguished Scholars Webinar “Latest Methods and future Prospects in Structure-Based Drug Discovery & Examples”

Prof. Dr. Christian Betzel

Department of Chemistry, Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Universität Hamburg

Date: December 8, 2021
Time:  3:00 PM Pakistan time

Flyer attached,

Profile of the speaker;

Dr Christian Betzel is head of the Betzel Group at the University of Hamburg. The main research topic of Dr Betzels group is the structure-function analysis of selected proteins and nucleic acids with relevance in infection and inflammation. In addition to biochemical and molecular biological techniques they apply complementary biophysical methods, particular X-rays crystallography, small-angle X-ray scattering and laser light scattering.

Target Audience: This webinar is open to academics, scientists and the general public from all OIC member states. 

Participants will receive e-certificates.

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