Training Workshops for National Assessors on the implementation of Patient Safety Friendly Hospital Framework
Dates: 7-9 August 2023
The Ministerial Standing Committee for Scientific and Technological Cooperation (COMSTECH) of the Organization of Islamic Organization (OIC) in collaboration with World Health Organization (WHO) and Ministry of National Health Services, Regulation and Coordination (M/oNHSR&C), will organize a Training workshop for National Assessors on the Implementation of Patient Safety Friendly Hospital Framework on 7th-9th August 2023 at COMSTECH Secretariat.
The Patient Safety Friendly Hospital Framework (PSFHF) is aimed at enhancing the visibility and implementation of patient safety practices in healthcare facilities. The initiative provides a framework through which hospitals can deliver safer patient care. The framework comprises a comprehensive set of standards and an assessment methodology that specifically target patient safety. The standards were initially developed in 2011 by a group of international experts and are based on research and best practice. The standards were revised to the second edition in 2016 and recently been revised to the third edition in 2020. The focus of PSFHF is twofold, one to assess hospitals from a patient safety perspective and two to build the capacity of staff in patient safety.
Training methodology
The workshop will foster an interactive approach for development of the local capacity on the use of the PSFHF assessment and improvement initiative. It will provide guidance on “know how” and “know do” for the implementation of PSFHF standards. The approach for implementation will be provided through a field visit to one selected hospital to illustrate the methodology for the identification of gaps and priorities. Then participants will be guided on how to use the findings for institutionalization of a patient safety system based on the WHO patient safety tool kit.
Training objectives:
• To provide updates on WHO global and regional patient Safety programs
• To introduce the Patient Safety Friendly Hospital Framework (PSFHF) and the associated tools for assessing and improving PS
• To train national assessors from each sector based on the PSFHF assessment manual.
• To develop a road map for action to be followed by all participating hospitals on the short/mid-terms.
Expected outcomes:
• Update knowledge of Patient Safety focal points on the WHO patient safety interventions.
• PSFHF components recognized by participating team from each health department and healthcare commissions, and hospitals.
• Identify Patient Safety Gaps at the hospital level based on the PSFHF standards.
• Guidance on how to successfully perform a self-assessment by reference to the PSFHI standards’ requirements.
• Road map for the institutionalization of a patient safety program at the hospital level based on the WHO PSFHF.
Target Participants:
• Hospital Managers, Healthcare Commissions, focal person healthcare department