COMSTECH Webinar on ” Crystal Engineering; Its Potential in Chemistry and Society”

Prof. Dr. Gautam R. Desiraju

(Professor Solid State & Structural Chemistry Unit, Indian Institute of Science,

Bangalore, India

Winner of Alexander von Humboldt Forschungspreis, and the TWAS award

Date and Time: 11th August, 2021; 3:00 PM PKT


A field that was defined 30 years ago as “the understanding of intermolecular interactions in the context of crystal packing and in the utilization of such understanding in the design of new solids with desired physical and chemical properties”, and which has been identified as the central issue in structure design. The lack of a direct correspondence between molecular and crystal structure in the sequence “One → Few → Many → Nucleus → Crystal”, has now evolved into “an area of virtually unlimited scope where science funding and translation efforts could be directed in the current climate of a society that increasingly expects applications and utility products from science and technology”. Certain current concerns will be addressed in this talk.

Target Audience:

This webinar is open to academicians, scientists, and general public from all the OIC member  states.

Profile of Speaker:

            Prof. Dr. Gautam Desiraju’s work is in the subject of Crystal Engineering. He has made seminal, wide-ranging and original contributions at the top-most international level. Prof. Dr. Desiraju has developed and nurtured the subject into a modern, competitive area. He is well noted for gaining acceptance for the theme of weak hydrogen bonding among chemists and crystallographers. Through his now classical book “ Crystal Engineering, The Design of Organic Solids (Elsevier, 1989), he showed that this is a subject of vast scope. His outstanding and prolific academic record amounts at present to 475 research papers, three authored books and three edited books. Prof. Dr. Desiraju is cited nearly 50000 times in SCI journals and books, with an h-index of 90 (Web of Science), placing him among the most cited scientists in India today. He was a member of the IUPAC committee responsible for producing a modern official definition of this important intermolecular interaction (2011). He has won international awards such as the Alexander von Humboldt Forschungspreis and the TWAS award in Chemistry and was awarded the ISA medal for science of the University of Bologna for the year 2018. Dr Desiraju is a former President of the International Union of Crystallography. He is a recipient of an honorary doctorate degree of the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina and of the Rayalaseema University, Kurnool. Presently he is a member of the editorial advisory boards of Angewandte Chemie, Chemical Communications and Journal of the American Chemical Society.

Poster of webinar:  Attached

Link for registration and E- certificate:

Click here for Registration

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