COMSTECH BASIC SCIENCES PROGRAMME Webinar on “Introduction and Update on Inertial Confinement Fusion”
Prof. Dr. Dimitri Batani
CELIA – Centre Lasers Intenses et Applications
University of Bordeaux, France
Date & Time: October 12, 2021 at 1500 – 1630 Hrs. (Pakistan Standard Time)
Inertial Confinement Fusion is an approach to Controlled thermonuclear fusion, which is based on the idea of compressing a deuterium-tritium target to very high-density using laser beams. Compression also produces a temperature increase in the core of the target which should be enough to trigger nuclear fusion reaction of deuterium and tritium ions (releasing an α – particle, a neutron, and a large amount of energy).
Recently, experiments conducted at the National Ignition Facility at LLNL in the US, have released 1.3 MJ of fusion energy with less than 2 MJ of laser energy. This result brings us very close to the demonstration of ignition in the laboratory, i.e. the point at which the energy for nuclear fusion reactions equals the drive energy. This will be a scientific result of tremendous importance, however still much work will be needed to obtain higher gains and a net production of energy. In this webinar, the principles of inertial confinement fusion, the main obstacles to progress in the field, the novel approach of “Shock Ignition” of fusion targets and, finally the perspective for future research work towards higher gains will be taught.
Target Audience
The webinar is open to students, researchers, young scientists, and academicians from the OIC member states.
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Profile of Speaker
Prof. Dr. Dimitri Batani has been working as full Professor at University of Bordeaux, France (CELIA – Centre Lasers Intenses Applications) since 2011. He has performed pioneering works in several fields related to the physics of laser-produced plasmas, High Energy Density (HED) physics, laser-driven sources of radiation and particles, development of plasma diagnostics and, physics of inertial confinement fusion.
He has published 612 research papers with h-index 47 and more than 8000 citations. He is Member of the European Academy of Sciences (EURASC) and has been awarded the Friedel-Volterra Prize 2017, jointly by the Italian Physical Society (SIF) and, the French Physical Society for his outstanding contributions in the study of laser plasma interactions related to inertial confinement fusion. He has several honors and awards and has served at many teaching and research positions.
Webinar Coordinators
Muhammad Haris Akram
Program Manager
COMSTECH, Islamabad.
Phone: +92 51 9220681
Muhammad Haseeb Ahmad
Program Officer
COMSTECH, Islamabad.
Phone: +92 51 9220681