Cataract Surgery Campaigns & Training of Ophthalmologists
COMSTECH in collaboration of Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) and Layton Rahmatulla Benevolent Trust (LRBT) Pakistan has conducted three cataract surgery…
Programme de coopération scientifique ICGEB-COMSTECH
For more information, Click here
Prix COMSTECH 2023
Contributions à vie en ‘Mathématiques’ et ‘Physique’ Le Comité permanent de l’Organisation de la coopération islamique sur la scientifique et…
COMSTECH-IFS Research Grants Programme
Allocation of Resources over US$200,000/yearCOMSTECH Share over US$100,000/yearTotal Number of Grantees 411 (up to 2023) COMSTECH signed a MoU…
Programme de coopération scientifique ICGEB-COMSTECH
February 28, 2020