COMSTECH Webinar on “Two fluid plasma models for the generation of seed magnetic fields and astrophysical jets”

Prof. Dr. Hamid Saleem

Professor, Department of Space Science in IST, Islamabad
Space and Astrophysics Research Lab (SARL), National Centre of GIS and Space Applications, Islamabad.
Theoretical Research Institute Pakistan Academy of Sciences, Islamabad.

Date and Time: 24th March 2021; 03:00 pm Pakistan Standard Time

Blurb: Large scale magnetic fields in galaxies have been detected but the generation mechanism is not fully understood. Spatial scales of these fields are of the order of kilo parsecs and magnitudes are of the order of micro Gauss. On the other hand, collimated outflows of gases and plasmas from astrophysical objects such as young stellar objects (YSOs), active galactic nuclei (AGN), and the Sun (solar spicules and coronal loops) have also been observed. Complex structures of magnetic fields are associated with these plasma jets. These jets move with velocities smaller than as well as closer to velocity of light. Here exact analytical solutions of the set of nonlinear partial differential equations for the two fluid classical plasma are presented to show that magnetic fields and flows both are created simultaneously by baro clinic vectors of electrons and ions. Thus thermal energy of plasma becomes fundamental source for the generation of magnetic and flow fields in plasmas. Important point to note is that ordered structures in the form of jets are created by the highly nonlinear set of two fluid plasma equations. Before discussing these theoretical models, a brief historical development of astronomy and astrophysics is presented for the general interest.

Target Audience: This webinar is open to academicians, scientists, and general public from all the member OIC states and beyond.

Profile of Speaker: Dr. Hamid Saleem is a Professor in the Department of Space Science at the Institute of Space Technology. His area of specialization is Space and Astrophysical Plasmas and he has published 140 research papers in International journals. He has served as the Director General for National Centre for Physics. He completed his Ph.D. in Plasma Physics from Quaid-e-Azam University, the research work for his Ph.D was conducted in Germany under DAAD Fellowship. He also worked for two years as JSPS post-doctoral fellow in National Institute of Fusion Science (NIFS), Toki, Japan.

Poster of webinar:  Attached

Link for registration and E- certificate:

Procedure to join:

Zoom link for participation will be shared selected participants.

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Phone No. : 92 51 9220681-3
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