COMSTECH- Mauritania S &T Cooperation Program

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COMSTECH shares a long-standing brotherly relationship with Mauritania. In order to strengthen the ties and to build scientific capacity in Mauritania, COMSTECH and National Agency for Scientific Research and Innovation, Mauritania have joined hands to collaborate on the Joint S&T Capacity Building Program.

Under this bilateral program, COMSTECH initially announces the following initiative;

Research Fellowships:

Under the COMSTECH-Mauritania Program, Research Fellowships will be offered to young researchers and early stage scientists/engineers in Mauritania to enable them to spend 6 months at a relevant center of excellence in many listed institutions of OIC member states, especially Pakistan. The purpose of these fellowships is to enhance the research and development capacity of promising researchers and engineers from Mauritania at the beginning of their research career, helping them to foster linkages for further collaboration in their fields.


COMSTECH will provide economy class return air fare to the fellows. The offering institutions will provide boarding & lodging and free training/no bench fee.

Apart from the above programs, Mauritania students and scholars may also participate in other COMSTECH programs which are launched and publicized through COMSTECH website and social media. Similarly, the R&D institutions of Mauritania may collaborate with CCOE institutions for exchange of knowledge, expertise, technology and resources to develop their capacities and devise solutions.

Application Process:

Applications are invited from interested students, scholars and institutions in Mauritania are invited to the above program.

Download Application Form


The application form should be submitted by the candidate and each part should be answered completely and accurately. The information requested should be either typed or written in ink in block capitals. Where additional space is needed, a separate sheet should be used and attached.

1.         Applicant is required to submit, by email to , the following items:

a.        This completed and signed application as a pdf document named “Field-Surmane-App.pdf” Field can be applicant’s specialism e.g. Biology, Maths, … Surname of applicant. The word ‘App’ helps recognize it as an application form.

b.        All supporting documents scanned in high resolution and in ONE single pdf file named “Field-Surname-Supp” as seen. the word ‘Supp’ helps recognize it as supporting documents. The supporting documents required are:

i.      Scanned copy of applicant’s valid passport,.

ii.     CV, maximum five pages, including publications.

iii.    Supporting Statement from Head of Home Institution.

iv.    Names and contact details of two senior scientists familiar with your work (ask them to emails reference letters directly to with subject line “Field-YourSurname”.

v.     M.S. /Ph.D. degrees and relevant university transcripts

2.         Closing date for applications is Sunday 10 December at 23:59 GMT

3.         After the closing date, COMSTECH and ANRSI will work with host institutions to accommodate as many applicants as possible in their respective fields of research.

4.         Scholarships are for a period up to 6 months.

5.         Host institutions will provide accommodation and access to lab/learning/practice facilities free of charge.

6.         COMSTECH will provide return economy class tickets to successful applicants.

7.         ANRSI will assist with the cost of living.

8.         All research/learning/practice activities are conducted in English.

9.         Host institutions are prestigious universities and research institutes in OIC Member States including Pakistan, Malaysia, Indonesia and Turkey

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