INSTP-COMSTECH Training Course on “The Patenting Process: Stages for Filing a Patent Application”

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1- Introduction

Intellectual Property rights (IP) are designed to benefit society by providing incentives to introduce new inventions and creations in fields relating to technology (patents), business (brands) and the arts (copyright). They facilitate access to knowledge and inventions and stimulate innovation by resolving information asymmetries, facilitating international competitiveness and trade, and enhancing opportunities for access to finance. Therefore, their purpose is not the exclusive benefit of individuals/corporations but of the public community at large.

But alongside the benefits of IP comes the rules, laws and specific documentation required to ascertain the legality of registered IP or patent, which can be a difficult hurdle for technologists, innovators and entrepreneurs to overcome if not equipped with the necessary knowledge of the case specific system.

2- The Purpose of the Course

The purpose of the training course will be to empower managers and experts to raise the awareness of technologists, innovators, and entrepreneurs in OIC member countries regarding the detailed process of IP documentation and patent registration, as well as the different types of patents and related legal processes.

3- The Overall Scope

The training course will be organized by the INSTP in two stages. The first stage will be a 3-day online training course at the end of which the participants will be tested in order to be evaluated and selected for the second stage. The second stage will be a workshop held in Iran for the participants that pass the first stage.

4- The Training Course

  • The Target Audience:
    • managers and experts from technoparks, universities and research centers

Each title would be covered in the duration of two hours,

No.Session TitleDateDuration
1What is Intellectual Property rights? An engaging introduction to Copyright, Patents, Designs and TrademarksNov. 1st, 20212 hours
2IP as a business development tool; Importance of IP management for SMEsNov. 1st, 20212 hours
3What is patent? Macro and Micro Economic Impact of the Patent SystemNov. 2nd, 20212 hours
4Types of patent and technology related agreements; the areas of intellectual property that covered by different agreements.Nov. 2nd, 20212 hours
5Patent application process; the International Patent System and Regional Patent Protection MechanismsNov. 3rd, 20212 hours
6Using patent information; the foundations of patent documentation, patent search strategies, and patent analysis for businessesNov. 3rd, 20212 hours
 Total3 days12 hours
  • Preparing the Training Materials:
    • The training material will be prepared by the instructors, approved by INSTP
  • The Duration of Course and Number of Trainees:
    • The online course will be for 3 days on November 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, 2021 with open registration.
    • A number of trainees will be selected from the participants according to their qualifications and performance to participate in the workshop in Iran with covered travel and stay.

5- Course Instructors:

  • Fateme Jahanpeyma
  • Mitra Aminlou
  • Bryan Khan
  • Fredy Sánchez
  • Mehrdad Khanlarkhani
  • Leila Zarei

6- Evaluation

A comprehensive evaluation of the program will be made at the end, taking into consideration the output of the participants regarding quality, efficiency and organization, as well as timely follow up with the participants to document their progress.

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